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Why We are Selling Everything We Own & Moving Across the world to # Vancouver Island, # Canada.

Writer: Chelsea Olivia Phoenix HartChelsea Olivia Phoenix Hart

Its not been an easy decision to make to leave #England. Although almost every conversation I have had while in England has started with " Your not From 'round 'ere"

"What you doing 'ere when you could be in Canada?"

I have never met a British Person who doesn't think Canada is great. I am absolutely #proudtobecanadian But I am also #proudtobebritish. Except For when you voted for #Brexit. That was Shameful. I don't care if i loose 55% of my readers or shoppers for having that opinion.

I have a lot of opinions that are probably offensive to someone. Its hard not to offend people these days. Everyone is so bloody ( pardon my #British) PC about Everything. Only Last week I got in a huge debate with a family member who is very very PC. when i Supported #JKRowling 's Opinion on #Peoplewhomenstruate !! WOMEN Menstruate. Im sorry but if you are a man who menstruates its time to realize you have women parts inside your body, and instead of being confused and ashamed about it. You should be feeling #Gratitude that you are a human being with the ability to procreate and do #Wonderfull things with your life. But you are also a woman inside. Outside be what you want. But you cant identify as a male who menstruates. Im sorry, but WOMEN OWN MENSTRUATION. Its ours. and no PC society can turn our bodies from being Glorious amazing hormonally charged, oxitosin factories of love & Amazing Superfood breastmilk into just " people who menstruate" Its Objectifying the act of loosing an unborn child. Now, Rant over, On to Why We are Selling up all our belongings and moving across the world. England is Cute and Picturesque in the Cotswolds, Its got London & paddington, and A fantastic Rich & complex History. Its got Old buildings and is just dripping with Britishness. There are many fabulous things about England that I have loved while I have lived here. ( not the rain though.. ) So its been a hard decision. In the end it came down to a few main factors.

Schools for the kids: David and I have talked a lot about Schools for our kids, Schools In Canada, Schools in the UK, #homeschooling #unschooling, private schools, public schools, and Private tutoring. We left no stone un touched. In the end we decided that Regular Canadian schools ( I'm going to try to avoid the terms Public & Private as they mean the reverse in #Canada then they do in England- so its just confusing) were better then British Schools. 1) Because they Don't have uniforms 2) because they are way less religious 3) the kids are much better behaved and respectful of their teachers. 4) I think the structure of GCSEs and the lead up to them is a ridiculous time and energy waste of kids and teachers. 6) I have good memories of going to school in #Canada, David has not good memories of going to school in England. Culture, or lack there of it: Theres no doubt about it. Canadians are known for being culturally accepting, ethnically diverse and have a culture that supports other cultures, ( because of our lack of our own culture, come on we are the babies of the world, 150 years old is nothing ) There is much less bother about 'social class' in Canada. its not as distinctly visible, and the results of low & high social class don't have as much weight on a child's life as in the uk. I went to college in England and 80% of the kids in my class didn't know how to write an essay, and 50% couldn't write a paragraph. It scared me. This was due to having lack of parent and teacher care and support. British Social structure results in the poorer people being very very uneducated. I have met many people from third world countries who grew up with next to nothing- certainly not play stations & x boxes and have better education then some of the kids that attended my College. Dual Language: I love #French. I want to be better at it. & I want to have my kids surrounded by a dual language respecting country. Paradise: Both #VancouverIsland and #England are Islands I have spent half my life on each. But the Beaches on Vancouver Island are breathtaking. & Blackpool.. not so much.. I was spoiled in my childhood to grow up surrounded by beaches, forests, mountains, and vibrant SAFE towns and Cities. I lived in a town called Sidney 'By the Sea' and if a plant pot was knocked over at night, someone would have picked it up and cleaned up the dirt by morning. It was the kind of home town where we never locked our doors when we left the house. I could come home and find my friends waiting in my living room. It was a little it #desperatehousewives / #thetrumanshow ish, but it was ideal for a child to grow up in. If you can Spoil Your Kids With Nature, and the raw beauty of the world, do it.

" If you can spoil your kids with nature, and the raw beauty of the world, do it."

#Hippy Culture: I am a #hippyatheart.

Canadian culture is if anything a culture of hippies. ( the result of the smartest US Citizens running for the borders ) Its more then just #legalizingweed . Its about #breastfeeding in public being NORMAL, Its about #GlutenFreeVeganOrganic things being NORMAL Its about Chatting to people you dont know as NORMAL Its about #homeschooling being not just NORMAL but supported by the government! Its about being part of a group of people who believe in or at least are not weirded out by the beliefs and values I have...

Its Time: At the end of the day, For every good thing there is about moving to #Canada, There is a downside that involves Leaving a Wonderfull loving extended Family Behind. ( Its not easy to do. It hurts us too guys) Like Leaving Fabulous Friends Behind ( hugs! - just pretend were still in #lockdown ) . Like Leaving behind #OnlineGroceryshopping (NOOOOOOO!) '#atheendoftheday ' Its about timing. I have spent 7 years away from my heart land ( Coincidental fact : #heartland the Series, was actually part filmed in the town close to my dads Cabin) Because Davids a trooper, he knows my heart is yerning to go back to the island where i grew up. The natural woman's calling to raise their children in a safe familiar place is not easy to ignore. So We are Selling Our Lives. Packing the most sentimental stuff in a small shipping container, and off to the next adventure.

Don't worry though folks! You probably wont even notice were gone- with #Covid #lockdown and all....


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